Amongst a sea of Mazzer grinders, Fiorenzato has fast developed a cult following amongst coffee conoscenti for building some smart quality kit. The build quality on this unit is impressive, especially at this price point and this F5 Auto packs a microswitch for automatic filling of the doser, all wrapped up in a stylish design.Features and specifications:
- Stepless Grind Adjustment (Micrometric)
- 64mm Flat Blades
- All Metal Dosing Mechanism
- 1.5kg Bean Hopper
- 250g Doser Capacity
- 5.5g - 10g Dispenser Unit Range (How much coffee per click)
- 350W/10amp Power
- Dimensions: 22cm (W) x 30cm (D) x 62cm (H)
This piece of equipment has been bench tested and serviced by our highly experienced technicians & comes with a full 3 month parts warranty