San Marino is one of the more prominent brands being produced by the CMA factory in Italy and well known for their dependable service, solid construction and bulletproof internal mechanics. The San Marino Lisa 3 Group has stood the test of time and poured more coffee than most would see in a lifetime. Its large single boiler has the capacity to blast through your busiest period without pause.
Features and specifications:
- Programmable Volumetric Controls
- High Cup Group Heads for 16oz Take-Away Cups
- Dual Steam Wands
- Hot Water Tap
- Large Surface Area - Plenty of Storage for Cups
- 6000Watts / 20 Amp Single Phase Power
- Dimensions - 940mm W x 535mm D x 495mm H
This piece of equipment has been bench tested and serviced by our highly experienced technicians & comes with a full 3 month parts warranty