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Rent with SilverChef from as little as $37.44 incl GST per week
Wega have been a crowd favorite amongst start-up cafe’s and established businesses for many years, thanks to their reputation for robust build, reliable service and unbeatable price/performance balance. The Sphera 3 Group is no different. This machine is built to perform in just about any period of your day. Paired with a large single boiler and dual steam wands - having 2 baristas run this machine is no problem. The volumetric group head buttons offer 6 different programmable pour modes along with a manual shot pour button.
Features and specifications:
- Sand Body
- Programmable Auto Volumetric Dosing - 6 per group head
- Dual Steam Wands
- Hot Water Tap
- Large Top Surface Area - Plenty of Storage for Cups
- 6150W/25amp Single Phase Power
- Dimensions: 96 cm W x 56 cm D x 53 cm H